Why should you care about Facebook for South Church?

Have you visited our Facebook page?

facebook iconFacebook is a cost-effective way to let our light shine. It gives us a platform to communicate with thousands of people in our community and beyond each month.

We need your participation to grow our on-line platform. Together we can boost the community’s awareness of our fundraisers & all the ministries we already are doing. As Pam Garrett says, “South Church is the best kept secret in the Berkshires.” Let’s share more about who we are with the community, and the hope and love we have to give. We can’t do this without your participation on our page.

It will result in more people attending our fundraising events, has real potential for new members, and it will provide donations of time & money to our food ministry.  Together we can communicate to our community that our church is alive & growing in our ministry to care for the neediest — that we believe and act for social justice as Christ would have us do.

We need your help to use Facebook to promote South Church. Let’s increase our presence online.

  • Take a few minutes to write a review on our Facebook page of what is special or why you like South Church.
  • Regularly “Invite” selected Berkshire friends already on Facebook to events they may have interest in (i.e. Coffee House, Craft Fair)
  • “Like” and “share” posts, pictures and events often
  • “Invite” friends to “like” our page so our posts automatically appear more in their newsfeed.

Any questions can be directed to the members of the networking team or you can email Darlene.

Darlene Berryman